Your voice is more than just sound—it’s a reflection of your presence, confidence, and connection with life. In these sessions, you will work with your whole body to rediscover the ease and power of your natural expression. Whether preparing for an important job interview, speaking engagement, or simply wanting to feel at home in front of a camera Read More
Fully Embodied Expression and The Vibrational Radar of the Body
As we are more and more exposed to the possibility that what we are reading, listening to, or even watching, is, to put it bluntly, fake, and indeed possibly AI generated, it is becoming even more essential that we are able to perceive the difference; to actually feel the difference between what is true, and what is not true, Read More
Downloading Music from Mac or PC to iPhone.
Downloading Music from Mac or PC to iPhone. (Kein Sheldrake) • Ensure you have iTunes (or the music app if you are on a mac) installed on your computero If it isn’t installed on your windows computer go to the Microsoft store, search iTunes and download it Sign into the iTunes/Music with your Apple ID Find the Read More
Deep within us all there is a well
Deep within us all there is a well, from which, when we are still, we can drink. This brings awareness to a thirst that we never knew we had, one humanity is forever seeking to quench. I had a session recently with an older woman over 80 who had never done any work with me Read More
When We See a Scorpion . . .
When we see a scorpion on our arm we brush it off immediately. We do not stroke its’ shiny shell! Do the same with your errant thoughts, no matter how comfortable, familiar or shiny they are. A vivid image is it not? And if you have ever had a scorpion drop onto you, or you Read More
The Amazing World of Self-Discovery with Your Voice
Interview with Chris James by Stefanie Konig | July 2019 Stefanie: Chris, can you talk about the healing power of the voice? Chris: The healing power of the voice starts with people understanding that they do have a voice that resonates and vibrates and actually has an impact on the body. That sounds simplistic on one Read More
Just Go For It … (Everyone has their own unique expression, so no need to compare)
Ever since I was a child at school, I had a fear of speaking up. I would always sit at the back of the classroom, & hardly ever put my hand up when the teacher asked a question. I was afraid of what people would think of me, that I wouldn’t find the words to Read More
Anything Feels Possible.( after 3 Day Retreat Your True Voice with Chris James – Somerset September, 2018.)
3 Day Retreat with Chris James – Somerset September, 2018. Sitting here at the Retreat in Somerset asking myself How does my body feel what is it I truly sense of this lightness and expansiveness I feel right now? Sitting with my eyes closed appreciating how simple it is to just ‘be’, sensing the spaciousness, Read More
How important is the way we play music for our health and wellbeing?
By Chris James Reconnecting to our musical instrument Today I had a private session with a client who wanted to re-connect with his piano. Why? . . . Because when it comes to playing music many of us have blocks that actually stop us playing with the freedom and inspiration that Read More
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