Your voice is more than just sound—it’s a reflection of your presence, confidence, and connection with life. In these sessions, you will work with your whole body to rediscover the ease and power of your natural expression.
Whether preparing for an important job interview, speaking engagement, or simply wanting to feel at home in front of a camera or microphone or in life, these sessions help you access clarity, presence, and deep inner confidence—without effort, trying, or performing.
You will learn to:
✨ Listen with your whole body—opening up awareness beyond just sound.
✨ Feel at ease in expression—whether speaking, singing, or simply being yourself.
✨ Let go of tension and resistance—allowing your natural presence to shine through.
✨ Develop true confidence—not through force, but through connection.
🔹 Sessions can be live or online, one-off (for example, the day before an important event) or part of a series of 3 or 10 sessions for a deeper transformation.
🔹 Special Offer: IF NEEDED – Use the coupon SESSION50% for an initial discount (extendable if needed).
“Chris’s sessions are a direct bridge to deeply connect with my body and voice in a very honest and loving way. It’s a joy to reconnect with the simplicity of being and expressing as I am. The confidence and clarity I feel now are beyond anything I imagined.”
This is more than just voice work—it’s a journey into feeling fully at home in your own skin, in every space, and in every interaction.
Sessions can be booked here
“Sessions with Chris James are incredibly helpful for full-body awareness. For me, feeling all the tension in my jaw, cranial plates, and across my forehead has helped me reach another level of letting go.
The biggest revelation was feeling the energy and tension in my cheeks—where for 74 years, my face contorted into that ‘nice’ smile, trying to please and be friendly, instead of genuinely celebrating the magnificence in everyone I meet.
Listening to my voice and feeling it in my whole body—the delicacy that can be there—is a revelation. Not the old, hard, protected, gushing torrent of words, but simple expression of only what is needed in each moment.
Thank you, Chris, for the way you support us. Our singing and your music are just a small part of what you truly bring through.” 🎶🔥💥
— Carmel
“I have recently had several voice sessions with Chris James. I felt completely held, with permission to express, laugh, or cry, allowing me to let go of any judgment of my voice—which felt covered, cracked, and hesitant, with some notes not coming out at all.
Then, there was a breakthrough… Years of holding back dissolved, and my voice shone through like the sun emerging from behind a cloud. It felt powerful, as if power itself was flowing through my voice—completely different from the way I was trained to sing, which had forced certain notes and made me self-conscious, fearful of getting it wrong.
I felt expanded, joyously ignited, and my whole body came alive. The sound vibrated through every cell, shaking them up from their slumber, freeing me from the shackles of suppression I had been under. Since then, I find myself bursting into song, just like I did as a child. I have reconnected with the joy of spontaneous singing—without monitoring myself or worrying about what others might think.
This has also freed my expression in speech and movement. My speaking voice now carries a deep resonance when I allow it to come from within, without thought or effort.
Chris is a brilliant musician-magician. His sessions are osmotically magical. He is a master teacher—he knows the art of drawing out what is already within, and with his deep knowing that ‘Everyone is born with a beautiful voice,’ it is inevitable that if you are willing, what has been covering your voice will drop away, allowing your true expression to emerge.”
— Sandra Newland
“The session was ‘out of this world.’ I’m beginning to understand what it means to ‘let the voice in.’ When you spoke words to different parts of my face and body, inviting them to release, it was instant. So wonderfully effortless, with nothing to do—just allowing.
Today is about catching and calling out the chatter that wants to resume old patterns of tension.
Singing the One Song.
With much love.”
— Kathy
“Chris’s sessions offer real depth. Working with sound and vibration, they help you discover the true you. Truly amazing.”
— Lavone
“Chris takes you back to basics—back to the body and the vibrational inroad that is sound.
His sessions offer playful permission to explore how sound moves through the body, helping you notice areas of tension and allowing sound to literally reconfigure your particles. I am always astonished by the power of releasing areas of my face and the unfolding permission this provides for my whole body to come home.
The sound work and techniques Chris shares are so inherently simple and empowering—it’s impossible not to smile from the inside out.”
— Anonymous
“Working with Chris James on my expression, both in person and online, has been one of the most profoundly beautiful and life-changing experiences of my entire life.
At first, I was as petrified as a rabbit in headlights about singing in front of someone else. But I soon realized these sessions weren’t about singing at all. They were about connecting to my innermost heart, the divine sacred beauty within me, and the natural gracefulness of my movements.
There was no trying, no thinking, no expectation, and no need to prove myself. Just accepting that there is a divine flow of love that pours through my body like a fountain—and that it is there for us all, when we allow ourselves to connect to it.
An inner confidence has arisen—one that cannot be paralleled by anything other than knowing I am deeply held in a beholding love, and that I now have my own back.
Chris James is a true master of vibrational awareness. His unending support is there for everyone so they may find this within themselves. I cannot recommend his sessions highly enough.”
— Sandra
“These sessions are a direct bridge to deeply connecting with my body and voice in a very honest and loving way. It’s a joy to reconnect with the simplicity of being and expressing as I am.
This choice is bringing a great transformational unfoldment to my life.
Thanks, Chris, for your support along the way.”
— Amparo
“In a session with Chris James, you are held and guided into a space of vastness, depth, and sacredness of being.
Chris’s mastery with music, voice, and his ability to read your body creates an ease that opens up space for you—a space that has always been there.
You may have sensed this opening before but never fully accessed it. With Chris, it becomes central, unmissable, and tangible. The door to vastness, the door to God, and access to all that you are in truth—something I had been missing forever.
What Chris teaches and makes tangible is an Art, Magic, Science, and Religion—yet at the same time, practical for everyday life.
Chris teaches you to surrender to and embody being nothing less than sacred, being a God, and expressing by moving it.”
— Anonymous
“Chris teaches you how to use your most powerful tool—your body—to connect deeply and express from there.
He shows you, with lightness, depth, love, humour, and joy, how to skip past all that you are not and not waste any time with it.
This is the fast track to experiencing your body as the most powerful instrument you have. Chris teaches how to use and play this most sacred instrument—yourself—to bring your true tone into the world, which is both your contribution and your birthright.
Thank you for a beautiful session.”
— Anonymous