Entdecke Deine Stimme!


Unsere Stimme ist ein wunderbares Instrument des Ausdrucks. Lass Dich von Chris James dabei begleiten, Schönheit und Stärke in Deinem Ausdruck zu erkunden. Mit Freude und Leichtigkeit unterstützt er dabei, ‘das Beste’ zum Vorschein zu bringen. Löse Dich von Stress & Druck, indem Du die heilende Kraft Deiner Stimme entdeckst. Entwickle und vertiefe das natürliche Read More

Mit-Sing Konzert


Chris James bringt wahres Herz und Seele in seine Musik. ‘Jeder ist mit einer wunderschönen Stimme geboren’ ist sein Motto und so werden wir inspiriert, alle Zurückhaltungen sausen zu lassen und wieder lebendiger zu werden. Ein heilsames Gesundheits-Programm – das super Spaß macht. Mit Liedern, die sofort ins Ohr gehen, von temporeichen Balladen bis Gospel-Folk, Read More

Your True Voice – connect – discover – experience


Experience the power & beauty of your voice, singing & speaking. Known for his unique ability Chris makes re-discovering your true, natural voice and expression fun & easy. Learn simple, profound life skills, release vocal stress & strain with ease and confidence. No experience needed. £175 or £155 earlybird/repeats Professional Development Certificates Available

True Voice


Experience the amazing potential of your speaking and singing voice. Develop vocal con dence and self-.empowering speaking and singing skills, including active listening and how to apply this in your everyday life. Release stress and express yourself with ease. Internationally acclaimed voice teacher, singer and musician Chris James has over 25 years expertise with all Read More

Discover Your True Voice


Internationally acclaimed voice teacher, singer and musician Chris James has over 25 years expertise with all aspects of voice, expression. Deepen the quality of your expression in your life. Known for his unique ability to ‘bring out the best’ Chris makes it fun and easy. Release stress and re-discover the healing quality of your true Read More

Music from the Heart


£15, £12 prebooked Join Chris James internationally acclaimed singer, musician and voice teacher and sing! Known for his unique ability to ‘bring out the best’ Chris makes it fun and easy.’ Come and celebrate music, your voice and true community A unique interac ve evening. Discover your natural voice – be prepared to be amazed. Say Read More

The James Music Collective


Concert & Community Sing Come and celebrate music, your own beautiful voice and true community. ‘The James Music Collective’ features top local musicians with a unique blend of Persian style, country rock and delicate love songs and the sensational Chris James inspiring audience interaction. Also featuring the latest popular songs from Jenny James spectacular new album Read More

Your True Voice Singing Sound Expression -CAMP CREATIVE BELLINGEN


Chris James Camp Creative 2019 Sounds Wonderful! Experiencing the potential of our speaking and singing voice, we also explore many practical life-skills – self-empowering communication, stillness, active listening and the self-care that naturally happens when we honour our expression. What a difference it makes to our expression when we have the ability to practice stillness Read More