Private Voice Coaching

Chris James

Free Your True Voice Singing-Speaking-Expression ‘It’s easy when you re-connect to your natural voice and authority’. Feel nervous speaking in public? Want to sing, but only the bathroom gets to hear it. Want to play that musical instrument? With over 30 years of experience across the globe, from schools, teachers, to corporate and health professionals, singers Read More

Private Voice Coaching

Chris James

Free Your True Voice Singing-Speaking-Expression ‘It’s easy when you re-connect to your natural voice and authority’. Feel nervous speaking in public? Want to sing, but only the bathroom gets to hear it. Want to play that musical instrument? With over 30 years of experience across the globe, from schools, teachers, to corporate and health professionals, singers Read More

Private Voice Coaching

Chris James

Free Your True Voice Singing-Speaking-Expression ‘It’s easy when you re-connect to your natural voice and authority’. Feel nervous speaking in public? Want to sing, but only the bathroom gets to hear it. Want to play that musical instrument? With over 30 years of experience across the globe, from schools, teachers, to corporate and health professionals, singers Read More

Private Voice Coaching

Chris James

Free Your True Voice Singing-Speaking-Expression ‘It’s easy when you re-connect to your natural voice and authority’. Feel nervous speaking in public? Want to sing, but only the bathroom gets to hear it. Want to play that musical instrument? With over 30 years of experience across the globe, from schools, teachers, to corporate and health professionals, singers Read More

Private Voice Coaching

Chris James

Free Your True Voice Singing-Speaking-Expression ‘It’s easy when you re-connect to your natural voice and authority’. Feel nervous speaking in public? Want to sing, but only the bathroom gets to hear it. Want to play that musical instrument? With over 30 years of experience across the globe, from schools, teachers, to corporate and health professionals, singers Read More

Private Voice Coaching

Chris James

Free Your True Voice Singing-Speaking-Expression ‘It’s easy when you re-connect to your natural voice and authority’. Feel nervous speaking in public? Want to sing, but only the bathroom gets to hear it. Want to play that musical instrument? With over 30 years of experience across the globe, from schools, teachers, to corporate and health professionals, singers Read More

Your True Voice

Chris James

‘Chris has the lightest way of delivering truth and beauty back into expression . . . reconnecting to the part of me that was always there – just busting to get out!’ Self-empowering – Confidence – Presence Speaking & singing skills that support us to be t for life. Known for his unique ability to Read More

Ein Stimm Abenteuer für Schulen mit Chris James

Chris James

„Chris James hat die ganze Schule zum Singen und Tanzen gebracht. Es war großartig. Alle Kinder haben eingestimmt, sogar die Älteren, ein wirklich großartiges Erlebnis für die Kinder. Chris James hat ihnen gezeigt, wie sie ihre Stimmen in den Händen und in ihrem Körper fühlen können. Es war eine wahre Freude zu erleben, wie er Read More

Ein Stimm Abenteuer für Schulen mit Chris James

Chris James

„Chris James hat die ganze Schule zum Singen und Tanzen gebracht. Es war großartig. Alle Kinder haben eingestimmt, sogar die Älteren, ein wirklich großartiges Erlebnis für die Kinder. Chris James hat ihnen gezeigt, wie sie ihre Stimmen in den Händen und in ihrem Körper fühlen können. Es war eine wahre Freude zu erleben, wie er Read More

Ein Stimm Abenteuer für Schulen mit Chris James

Chris James

Die eigene natürliche Stimme zu entdecken, stärkt Kinder für einen vollen und reichen Ausdruck im Leben. Der australische Stimm-Lehrer, Musiker und Sänger Chris James bietet ein innovatives und interaktives Programm für Schüler an. Seine Arbeit mit Kindern ist nicht nur lehrreich, sondern auch dynamisch, lebhaft und voller Freude. Chris James arbeitet mit allen Aspekten der Read More