Northern Rivers Community Choir

Chris James

Want to join an informal singing group and have as much fun as possible? The N.R. Community Choir – Voices on Fire is back after our winter break – meets every fortnight Everyone Welcome – No experience needed – singers & ‘non-singers’ alike Led by Chris James, Jenny James, Daniel Bennier don’t need to read Read More

Northern Rivers Community Choir

Chris James

Want to join an informal singing group and have as much fun as possible? The N.R. Community Choir – Voices on Fire is back after our winter break – meets every fortnight Everyone Welcome – No experience needed – singers & ‘non-singers’ alike Led by Chris James, Jenny James, Daniel Bennier don’t need to read Read More

Northern Rivers Community Choir –

Chris James

Want to join an informal singing group and have as much fun as possible? The N.R. Community Choir – Voices on Fire is back after our winter break – meets every fortnight Everyone Welcome – No experience needed – singers & ‘non-singers’ alike Led by Chris James, Jenny James, Daniel Bennier don’t need to read Read More

Sing with your Heart for West Auckland Hospice

Chris James

Chris James really knows how to inspire harmony in the community–from directing 20,000 people in community song at the Woodford Festival to intimate workshops worldwide. Support an amazing Hospice and don’t miss this energising, fun and uplifting event – and you don’t even have to know how to sing! Internationally acclaimed voice teacher singer and Read More

Power of the True Voice – Voice & Expression Workshop

Chris James

Experience empowering life-skills that support you to be the ‘true you’ in the world. • Communicate with ease and confidence in your life and career • Maximise your personal and professional relatonships • Release tension and stress and develop presence and authenticity Bring out your true voice – suitable for everyone Internationally acclaimed voice teacher Read More

Power of The True Voice

Chris James

Explore the joy of your voice, singing & speaking. No experience necessary. Known for his ability to bring out the best Chris makes it fun & easy. Learn simple, profound, healing life skills, release vocal stress and strain with ease & confidence. Internationally acclaimed Chris James presents the healing power of voice, song & expression. From accredited Read More

Heiloo : Sing-Along Avond Chris James

Chris James

“ Mis deze hartverwarmende en energiegevende avond niet…. en je hoeft niet te kunnen zingen! Chris James Chris is een internationale stem- coach, zanger en musicus. Hij weet iedereen te inspireren om in eenheid samen te zijn en te zingen – of het nu is met 20.000 mensen op festivals of in kleine groepen. Chris Read More

Alkmaar : Sing-along Evening with Chris James

Chris James

Chris James presents ‘Big Community Sings’ internationally From directing 20.000 people in song at the Woodford Festival to intimate groups’ – voice teacher, singer and musician Chris James really knows how to inspire harmony in the community. Fun and easy! ‘Everyone is born with a beautiful voice’ Don’t miss this heartwarming, energising event . . . Read More

Ontdek en Ervaar Je Natuurlijke Stem

Chris James

Wil je makkelijk spreken in verschil- lende situaties en makkelijk zingen? Geniet deze dag van de kracht van je stem en van je natuurlijke expressie. Chris is uniek in zijn speelse en makkelijke manier van werken. Als stemdocent, zanger en musicus werkt hij internationaal in bedrijven, organisaties, koren en op scholen en heeft hij meer Read More

Power of the True Voice – Stem & Expressie Workshop

Chris James

Geniet deze dag van de kracht en de mo- gelijkheden van je natuurlijke stem zowel in spreken als in zingen. Van bedrijven tot scholen – bekend om zijn unieke vermogen om ‘het beste in mensen naar boven te brengen’ – Chris maakt het speels en makkelijk. Bring out your true voice Onderzoek stemmogelijkheden, lichaamsbe- wustzijn Read More