Deine natürliche Stimme

Chris James

Die Arbeit mit Klang, Ausdruck und Kommunikation ist ein weites Feld, denn jeder Mensch drückt sich aus; wir alle sprechen und hören zu. Die Stimme, mit der wir geboren wurden, ist klar, kraftvoll und natürlich im Ausdruck. Durch Lebenser- fahrungen und Anpassungen ist diese natürliche Stimme oft verdeckt und unser (Selbst-)Ausdruck und die Kommunikation beeinträchtigt. Read More

Stimmseminar für Lehrer

Chris James

Ihre Stimme und der Körper sind DIE Hauptwerkzeuge der Kommunikation im Lehr- und Klassenraum. So hat der Klang Ihrer Stimme unmittelbaren Einfluss auf die Qualität der Schüler-Lehrer- Beziehung, auf das Lernen und die Wissens- vermittlung. Eine deutschlandweite Studie zur psychoso- zialen Belastung von Lehrern an deutschen Schulen hat gezeigt, dass eine der Haupt- belastungen auf Read More

Your True Voice – SYDNEY

Chris James

Empower expression, communication, singing, speaking Discover that everyone can naturally express with a voice that is a clear and true expression of themselves, free of anxiety and stress. Experience self-empowering life skills, practical techniques and your own natural authority and presence. Known for his unique ability to ‘bring out the best’ Chris makes it fun Read More

Your True Voice – MELBOURNE

Chris James

Empower expression, communication, singing, speaking Discover that everyone can naturally express with a voice that is a clear and true expression of themselves, free of anxiety and stress. Experience self-empowering life skills, practical techniques and your own natural authority and presence. Known for his unique ability to ‘bring out the best’ Chris makes it fun Read More

Your Life, Your Expression … Developing Your Natural Voice

Chris James

Experience the quality and power of your voice and how your vocal expression can release stress, improve relationships, boost your immune system and powerfully connects us all as a community. This course empowers participants with their voice; in public speaking, personal expression, active listening and effective communication in all relationships – both personal and professional. Read More

Singing Together In Salisbury

Chris James

From directing 20,000 in song at major music festivals to intimate concerts international voice teacher, singer and musician Chris James really knows how to inspire harmony in the community. No experience required – at all! ’Chris had the whole audience up on their feet in minutes. The hall was filled with the most amazing sound Read More

One Voice – Surrey – Big Sing with Chris James – Hosted by The Lightwater Community Choir – Choirmaster – Richard Mills

Chris James

From directing 20,000 in song at major music festivals to intimate concerts international voice teacher, singer and musician Chris James really knows how to inspire harmony in the community. No experience required – at all! ’Chris had the whole audience up on their feet in minutes. The hall was filled with the most amazing sound Read More

Your True Voice

Chris James

Empower expression, communication, singing, speaking Discover that everyone can naturally express with a voice that is a clear and true expression of themselves, free of anxiety and stress. Experience self-empowering life skills, practical techniques and your own natural authority and presence. Known for his unique ability to ‘bring out the best’ Chris makes it fun Read More

Your True Voice

Chris James

Empower expression, communication, singing, speaking Experience the power of your true natural voice & expression. Fun & easy. Everyone welcome! Deepen the healing quality of your expression in your life. Known for his unique ability to ‘bring out the best’ Chris makes it fun and easy. Internationally acclaimed Chris James presents the healing power of Read More

Your True Voice

Chris James

Empower expression, communication, singing, speaking Experience the power of your true natural voice & expression. Fun & easy. Everyone welcome! Deepen the healing quality of your expression in your life. Known for his unique ability to ‘bring out the best’ Chris makes it fun and easy. Internationally acclaimed Chris James presents the healing power of Read More