Finding Your True Voice and Expression Connection – Self-Empowerment – Presence

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(Online bookings for Private Sessions & Webinars)

Sounds Wonderful supports people from all walks of life to find their true voice and express the power that lives inside us all.

Corporate seminars - Schools - Conferences - Voice Coaching
Concerts & House Concerts - Workshops & Retreats - Choirs

'Chris James has an amazing way of helping people to discover their own vocal strength and potential. I was very impressed with his ability - in working with an SBS collaborator - to transform their voice-over delivery to something that carried great colour, power and energy.'
Ella Rubeli, Producer Online Documentaries, SBS TV & Radio


'Everyone is born with a beautiful voice'
Chris James

We are about voice, sound and expression . . .

What it feels like to speak and sing with presence, power and authority,
how to empower children right from the start at school with their voice
how the way we listen and communicate absolutely transforms our lives,
our relationships, in the workplace and at home. 

We are about re-discovering the innate beauty
and power of the human voice.


Latest album

Upcoming events


23oct7:00 pmThe Sound Temple OnlineExplore our relationship between our voices, our hearts, stillness, and the Universeonline zoom meeting Event Organised by: Chris James Phone: +61416224442 Email:


06nov7:00 pmThe Sound Temple OnlineExplore our relationship between our voices, our hearts, stillness, and the Universeonline zoom meeting Event Organised by: Chris James Phone: +61416224442 Email:

20nov7:00 pmThe Sound Temple OnlineExplore our relationship between our voices, our hearts, stillness, and the Universeonline zoom meeting Event Organised by: Chris James Phone: +61416224442 Email:


What people say . . .

This workshop was very supportive and a safe space to express myself authentically through my voice. There was such a feeling of joy, expansion and love – letting go of self-judgement, self criticism, and the notion of having to be perfect. As I learned to get out of my head and feel the sound move through my body, the feeling of being connected was astounding. A truly wonderful experience! Thank you.

~ Michelle Ruskin

The most rewarding and fulfilling Camp Creative experience I’ve ever had. After doing the same course last year I wondered if I would be disappointed repeating it again this year. I should never have worried as Chris creates the most amazing and supportive learning environment. I came to this course last year believing I could not sing. How wrong I was. I learnt last year to trust in myself and those around me and just be natural, sing from my heart. How liberating this was and still is. I just sank into this year’s course as if it had seamlessly continued straight on from last year, only this time I felt confident to express myself openly from the beginning. A huge thank you to Chris for an unforgettable week!

~ Leanne Da Costa

Thankyou for a deeply moving and incredible five days of workshop. Your presence and all your avenues of expression and guidance are truly beautiful. The music that you shared, both yours and Jenny's, has such authenticity and soul

~ Susannah Breaden

As a trained actor, singer and voice coach, I have been looking for a way to express what is in my heart without ‘pushing’ my voice. This workshop has certainly provided me the opportunity and superb tools to achieve that. It has helped me to express and sing with the love and joy that is within me. What a powerful springboard this workshop has been, to keep progressing – step-by-step – towards our true expression and sharing with others through music, laughter and oneness. This course is an incredible bridge to connect with ourselves and with others, and enables us to express openly and with safety, trust and courage.

~ Annie Keoghan - Communication Specialist

Thanks Chris for a fantastic week. This course has been the most soul searching and heart warming experience of my life. The connection I felt to the group and yourself was and still is a wonderful empowering feeling. Sharing, releasing and connecting to the group opened up the way for me to connect to myself. This has enriched my relationship with my partner, family and friends. And the great feeling that I can sing!!! – How great it is to have a voice again. This course would have to be beyond doubt the most rewarding and beneficial thing I have done for my physical and spiritual well-being. Don't forget the fun, laughing and sharing your great sense of humour.

~ Joan Chapman

A gentle and wondrous unfolding, opening and unravelling . . . Chris James has such presence, he gently held and guided the space for each one of us as we discovered how to connect and gently be with ourselves, our voices and as a group. A powerful, nurturing and deeply moving experience of our inner voice and expression. Truly unique and transformational.

~ Susannah Breaden

After one experience of Chris James' Community Choir, I asked him to come, with a message of health, to our end-of-year Prostate Cancer Support Group meeting. Beforehand, I was apprehensive that our collective 'I can't sing' would defeat his enthusiasm. But by the end of the hour we were smiling at one another, astonished at the harmony and volume of our singing I am sure our members would endorse my view that if you want oxygen in your lungs, a lift in your spirits and a sense of community, you could not do better than to come to Chris James' fortnightly Community Choir in Lismore.

Sincerely, Patrick Coughlan (Convenor, Northern Rivers (Day) Prostate Cancer Support Group)